How To Deal With Your Breakup

Leland Spencer, Staff Writer

   A breakup is very hard to deal with. However, breakups are great for a person to go through because they can build character and strengthen emotions. No breakup is easy, but there are ways to make it easier.

  “My worst breakup was probably with you. I don’t deal with breakups that well. It was pretty rough and took me a while to be okay again. I didn’t really hang out with anyone and I sat at home all the time,” Keeli Holcomb, a junior at Estacada High School said.

  The first coping strategy for a breakup is to not hang out with anyone. This is very effective because when you hang out with a friend after a breakup, they will either try to help you move on from the breakup or tell you to try and fix the relationship. When people are upset, it is good for them to go through their emotions and figure it out all by themselves.

  “My worst break up was with Caleb Miller. It has always been hard for me to say how I feel about most things so I turn to writing and drawing. Writing has always been my best way with coping and moving on,” sophomore Haylee Rossman said.

  The second option would be to write out your thoughts. By doing this, you’re expressing your feelings in a way that doesn’t involve someone else hearing it. Writing out your thoughts can help you process your emotions because seeing it in written form is different than just thinking about it.

  Last but definitely not least, is a nice big bucket of ice cream. Yeah, that’s right. A big, frozen bucket of ice cream. This is the best way to deal with pain because when you cannot do anything about it, just eat. Eat your feelings.

  Gresham High School counselor Hannah Anderson deals with students who are upset over a breakup constantly. She often tries to comfort students by telling them that their pain is not going to last forever. “ I definitely mention that they are probably feeling a lot of temporary pain and while that is perfectly normal it may take time to start to feel better.”

Anderson also discusses with students how they can get back to feeling good again as quickly as possible, while also learning valuable lessons from the past relationship.  “I make sure they (students) have other supports and are getting back into a routine and doing things for themselves so they can start to move through the pain. Because they were in this meaningful relationship it takes time and unfortunately, the pain can’t be passed over. But hopefully, they learned valuable things from the relationship and can take those lessons and memories as they move on,” said Counselor Hannah Anderson.

  Everyone goes through breakups at some point in their life and for many teenagers, the person you are dating will probably not end up as your “soulmate”, so don’t get so upset over the breakup.  It is only high school.