With only a few days separating students and summer, the ‘Summertime Sadness’ has officially set in.
Whether you are having a staycation or a real vacation, the readiness for summer is strong. Summer is filled with late nights, sunscreen filled days and countless memories. Students everywhere are excited to celebrate the beginning of summer and the last days of school.
“I am definitely not sad that school is almost over,” sophomore Tyson Gradwahl said. “I plan on going on many boating vacations through the summer.”
Throughout the year, students look forward to summer. This year, summer was pushed back a week due to snow days, which gave student an extra week to prepare for finals.
“I’m am glad we had an extra week for finals preparation, but I am very glad summer is almost here,” freshman Lilly Vu said.
Because first semester finals were delayed, second semester finals are happening a week after they were originally planned to.
With other schools in our conference getting out before us or already out of school, students are especially ready for summer. The seniors got out June 7th, so their summer has already begun, while everyone else is studying for finals week.
By Kendyl Beam